There still are some puppies for sale… Come visit us (without any obligation)
We’ve received a lot of good news from the puppies that already left us. Puppies and owners are all very happy and excited ! There are still some male and female puppies who are impatiently waiting for a new place to call home. Look at our pictures… Who’s willing to make us happy? In return, we promise to give you unconditional love, friendship and loyalty. You’re welcome to visit us and just maybe, one of us we’ll become your very best friend!
viewTwo more puppies are leaving…
The moment has come : our red-blue ribbon is leaving. She’s been given the name Nougat. Nougat Lions from D’Es weighed 550 gr when she was born. We are as happy as Nougat is, because she’ll be living with nice owners and will become part of a fun family. But above all, she’ll grow up with Nala Lions from D’Es, daughter of Jetaime and Konnor, and will surely become her best friend. That means that the amount of work will double for the owners. But so will the unconditional love and that’s just priceless. We wish Nougat a healthy and happy doglife. The moment has come : our yellow ribbon is leaving. He’s been given the name Nelson. Nelson Lions from D’Es weighed 520 gr when he was born. His new home is nowhere less than the Ardennes, so from now on, the snow is his playground. Nelson will become the big teddy of Tom, who’s been preparing himself for Nelson arrival weeks in advance. By now, he knows different books about educating puppies by heart. Nelson’s owner is a acknowledged photographer, so will surely receive a lot of awesome pictures and Nelson will gladly be his model… We wish Nelson a happy and healthy dog life.
viewThe other puppies are leaving…
The moment has come : our green ribbon is leaving. He’s been given the name Nobi. Nobi Lions from D’Es weighed 510 gr when he was born. Nobi is going to conquer the hearts of all these beautiful women. He’s already become their superman. Our beloved vet Ingrid will be keeping an eye on Nobi too. She’s the auntie of all our dogs, small and big. We wish Nobi a healthy and happy dog life. The moment has come : our light blue ribbon is leaving. She’s been given the name Nostra Aafje. Nostra Aafje weighed 555 gr when she was born. Nostra Aafje will be living with nice owners and their Newfoundlander. They’ll be able to grow (up) together. Their owner is chef by profession… that sounds very promising..hmmm… maybe their meals will be mixed up with some snacks ?! We wish Nostra Aafje a healthy and happy doglife.
viewNew way of transport VID ‘Very Important Dogs’ for our Lions from D’Es.
All of our dogs were very excited when Luc arrived with the brand new Leomobil.
Irawadi was the first Lion from D’Es to be given the honour to enter the **** star van and did so with a lot of sniffing.
Next step is to picture the lifesize photo of our beloved Narko on the side of the van. Because he still and always travels with us, in our minds.
Third thing to do is to make sure the inside of the van is appropriate to be part of the Very Important Dogs showbus.
viewThe moment has come… our green-blue ribbon is leaving
The moment has come : our green-blue ribbon is leaving. She’s been given the name Nirka.
Nirka de la Nation Lions from D’Es weighed 568gr. when she was born. Nirka will be living in a real-life palace with sweet owners. That sounds like a fairytale life!
We wish Nirka a happy and healthy dog life.
viewThe moment has come: our purple-white ribbon is leaving
The moment has come : our purple-white ribbon is leaving. She’s been given the name Nuka.
Nuka Lions from D’Es weighed 564 gr. when she was born.
Nuka will be living with sweet owners and will become best friends with Largo, their other dog.
Largo and Nuka will surely go on a lot of dog-adventures. We wish Nuka a happy and healthy dog life.
viewThe moments has come… the other pups are leaving…
The moment has come : our red ribbon is leaving.
He’s been given the name Narko.
Narko Lions from D’Es weighed 560 gr. when he was born.
Narko’ll be the sweetheart of his sweet owners and the big teddy of their little son. They’ll grow up together.
It’s always a pleasure when a Leo can help educate a little child and vice versa.
We wish Narko a happy and healthy dog life.
The moment has come : our white ribbon is leaving.
She’s been given the name Nostra Nina.
Nostra Nina Lions from D’Es weighed 515 gr. when she was born.
Nina is more than welcome and will become the sister of Lexie, the sweet Leo we know so well from her visits during the holidays.
We’re very pleased that we’ll be seeing Lexie and Nina regularly in dogschool and during the holidays, because they’ll be spending them here.
We wish Nostra Nina a happy and healthy dog life!
The moment has come : our brown ribbon is leaving.
He’s been given the name Naldo. Naldo Lions from D’Es weighed 520 gr. when he was born.
Naldo will be living with a sweet family with 2 teenagers, who have a lot of friends. So if one thing’s for sure, it’s that he’ll have a huge fanclub!
We wish Naldo a happy and healthy dog life.
viewThe moment has come… our white ribbon, pup of Irawadi and Ghost is leaving
The moment has come : our white-white ribbon is leaving. She’s been given the name Nigra.
Nigra Lions from D’Es weighed 594gr. when she was born. Now, after 2 months, she has reached 10 885 gr .
Nigra is the third little Leo for Ann and Yolanda, the sweet owners of Nawelle and Nasr Lions from D’Es. Nawelle and Nasr had a lot of sniffing to do, but were excited to do so.
They’ll be helping to raise the new little one. Nasr, Nawelle and Nigra will be visiting us regularly and that’s always a lot of fun for us and our herd !
We wish Nigra a happy and healthy dog-life.
viewThe moment has come, the puppies of Irawadi and Konnors are leaving
The moment has come : our white-brown ribbon is leaving. She’s been given the name Nephtys. Nephtys Lions from D’ Es weighed 485 gr when she was born. Now, after 2 months, she has reached 7160 gr.
Nepthys will be part of a very nice family, as will her sister (our grey-white ribbon). The 2 sisters will have a friend to play with : Joys the Beagle.
It’ll definitely be fun! They’ll be tired from playing in the big yard, they’ll be cuddled by their loving family. That’s what they call being happy.
We wish Nephtys a happy and healthy doglife !
The moment has come : our grey-white ribbon is leaving. She’s been given the name Néméria. Néméria Lions from D’Es weighed 570 gr when she was born. After 2 months, she has reached 8530 gr.
Néméria is very pleased that she and her sister Nepthys will be living with a very lovely family, together. They’ll live fairly close to us, so we’ll see them regularly.
We wish Néméria a happy and healthy doglife !
The moment has come : our red-white ribbon is leaving. He’s been given the name Nesthor. Nesthor Lions from D’Es weighed 582 gr when he was born. After 2 months, he has reached 8100 gr.
Nesthor is going home with lovely Linda. He already knows very well from all her visits. Linda’s brother and sister in law are the owners of Noby Lions from D’Es, so I guess it’s a family thing!
Nesthor will grow up with two other dogs, Casper and Mitch. A lot of walks, a lot of cuddling, messing around,… Things to look forward to !
We wish Nesthor a happy and healthy doglife !
The moment has come : our blue-white ribbon is leaving. He’s been given the name Nostra Loubas. Nostra Loubas weighed 588 gr when he was born. After 2 months, he has reached 9600 gr.
The enthousiastic and playfull Loubas stole the hearts of his owners in a blink of an eye. He’ll become best friends with their other dog and already is the most loyal friend of his owners and their granddaughter in particular.
We wish Nostra Loubas a happy and healthy doglife !
The moment has com e: our green-white ribbon is leaving. He’s been given the name Nirkon. N for the family tree, Ir from his mother Irawadi and Kon from his father Konnor.
Nirkon Lions from D’Es weighed 555 gr when he was born. After 2 months, he has reached 8690 gr. 2 weeks from now, Nirkon will meet his new little friend Nala. The 2 Leo’s will have an exciting life with great adventures.
They’ll go on many trips to countries far, far away in the camper. But first, they’ll try their hardest to be very good students in dogschool.
Nirkon and Nala are taking over the torch from their guardian angels Harko and Izzy, who are watching them from heaven, upon their stars.
We wish Nirkon and Nala a happy and healthy doglife !
viewThe Leonberger puppies ” The HappyGhostjes” N5 day 28
Here we are on the 28th day, we look all a bit dirty on the picture because we just ate and we don't jet master the neat table manners.
Yesterday we moved to the porch, where we have more space, its warm and we can see the big garden. All our aunts came over to get acquainted with us. And, who knows, if we do our best, we maybe can go out in a few days, whoopee …
Dog grey: birth weight: 440 gr. –> day 28 : 2 120 gr.
Dog blue: birth weight: 545 gr. –> day 28 : 3 000 gr.
Dog green: birth weight: 540 gr. –> day 28 : 2 830 gr.
Dog red: birth weight: 525 gr. –> dag 28 : 2 840 gr.
Dog brown: birth weight: 580 gr. –> day 28 : 2 770 gr.
Bitch light blue: birth weight: 480 gr. –> day 28 : 2 580 gr.
Bitch yellow: birth weight: 550 gr. –> day 28 : 2 900 gr.
Bitch pink: birth weight: 575 gr. –> day 28 : 2 390 gr.
Good work : )