The moment has come, the puppies of Irawadi and Konnors are leaving
The moment has come : our white-brown ribbon is leaving. She’s been given the name Nephtys. Nephtys Lions from D’ Es weighed 485 gr when she was born. Now, after 2 months, she has reached 7160 gr.
Nepthys will be part of a very nice family, as will her sister (our grey-white ribbon). The 2 sisters will have a friend to play with : Joys the Beagle.
It’ll definitely be fun! They’ll be tired from playing in the big yard, they’ll be cuddled by their loving family. That’s what they call being happy.
We wish Nephtys a happy and healthy doglife !
The moment has come : our grey-white ribbon is leaving. She’s been given the name Néméria. Néméria Lions from D’Es weighed 570 gr when she was born. After 2 months, she has reached 8530 gr.
Néméria is very pleased that she and her sister Nepthys will be living with a very lovely family, together. They’ll live fairly close to us, so we’ll see them regularly.
We wish Néméria a happy and healthy doglife !
The moment has come : our red-white ribbon is leaving. He’s been given the name Nesthor. Nesthor Lions from D’Es weighed 582 gr when he was born. After 2 months, he has reached 8100 gr.
Nesthor is going home with lovely Linda. He already knows very well from all her visits. Linda’s brother and sister in law are the owners of Noby Lions from D’Es, so I guess it’s a family thing!
Nesthor will grow up with two other dogs, Casper and Mitch. A lot of walks, a lot of cuddling, messing around,… Things to look forward to !
We wish Nesthor a happy and healthy doglife !
The moment has come : our blue-white ribbon is leaving. He’s been given the name Nostra Loubas. Nostra Loubas weighed 588 gr when he was born. After 2 months, he has reached 9600 gr.
The enthousiastic and playfull Loubas stole the hearts of his owners in a blink of an eye. He’ll become best friends with their other dog and already is the most loyal friend of his owners and their granddaughter in particular.
We wish Nostra Loubas a happy and healthy doglife !
The moment has com e: our green-white ribbon is leaving. He’s been given the name Nirkon. N for the family tree, Ir from his mother Irawadi and Kon from his father Konnor.
Nirkon Lions from D’Es weighed 555 gr when he was born. After 2 months, he has reached 8690 gr. 2 weeks from now, Nirkon will meet his new little friend Nala. The 2 Leo’s will have an exciting life with great adventures.
They’ll go on many trips to countries far, far away in the camper. But first, they’ll try their hardest to be very good students in dogschool.
Nirkon and Nala are taking over the torch from their guardian angels Harko and Izzy, who are watching them from heaven, upon their stars.
We wish Nirkon and Nala a happy and healthy doglife !