the 11 of january there was a romance between the good looking Tigo en the beautifull Shiva
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Monthly archive

03 Feb

Litter R 1 Jetaime and Konnor day 18

Dear friends,

This week our eyes are opened, how magnificent that we can see everything now ourselves. The first thing we’ve done was admiring our mom, how she’s great…and ohlala... so lovely and nice…

We’ve told the good news to our friends of aunt Noor, that our mom is so nice and that mom Noor is also such a beautiful  mommy !!

Still a few more days patience and the eyes of the puppies of Noor will go open also.

In the meanwhile we,“the greatest” are telling the puppies of Noor what’s going on here.

Female Yellow : birth weight : 570 gr.  day 18 --> 1 710 gr.

Female White :  birth weight : 555 gr.  day 18 --> 1 990 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 610 gr.  day 18 --> 2 200 gr.

We already can stand on our four feet, a little toddling, but we are doing our best...”just have a little patience” says our mom J

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11 Feb

Litter R 1 Jetaime and Konnor day 26

Hello everybody,

The trio “Blue-Yellow-White has a lot of news to tell you.

We’ve eaten for the first time porridge this week !  In stead of the soft and nice nipples of our mom, we’ve got a bowl with a sort of lightbrown porridge in it !

We let the honnor to our brave brother to taste the new food. A little uncertainly with his foot, it’s soft, lukewarm but it smells good…come on, it’s okay ! And, curiously as we are, yes, yes,hoplala, our snouts into the bowl…

Everything felt quite good, delicious, but a little adaption of course !

And because we’ve all eaten so well, we still got a “surprise” dessert from our lovely mom Jetaime.

We relax on her milkbar, and when our bellies are round, we all fall asleep together, what a happy life !

Female Yellow : birth weight : 570 gr.  day 26 --> 2 675 gr.

Female White :  birth weight : 555 gr.  day 26 --> 2 950 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 610 gr.  day 26 --> 2 900 gr.

After the supermilk now the porridge to grow up !



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11 Feb

Litter R 2 Noor and Jiminy day 22

Good afternoon, dear friends, owners, children and animals…

Now that our mom Noor gives us more and more confidence, she goes back to the group time by time. We, as clever as we are, understand very good that we have to do our  best and that we have to give our mom some rest.

Now that our cousins and nephews from the Litter Jetaime and Konnor are already eating porridge, we do not want to let us know, for the few days that we are younger. We also want to eat porridge !

No sooner said than done…but the surprise was great --> PORRIDGE ! We spill and spill the whole mess everywhere around…but when we tasted…Hmm  it’s good.

Our mom is waiting impatiently to eat the rest, but she encouraged us to taste and to eat some of it. And just like brave puppies we have done our best.

The porridge was really delicious. We eated our bellies round and after it we felt into a deep sleep and dreamed…

Our mom Noor is so pride of us… however after the meal… -->  please help, the dishes !

But have a look to our weights, we’ve well done, isn’t it ?

Female Blue/Yellow : birth weight : 720 gr. --> day 22 : 2 270 gr.

Female Blue/Green : birth weight : 710 gr. --> day 22 : 2 015 gr.

Female Blue/red : birth weight : 490 gr. --> day 22 : 1 795 gr.

Male Blue/Black : birth weight : 690 gr. --> day 22 : 2 950 gr.

Female Blue/Gold : birth weight : 675 gr. --> day 22 : 2 180 gr.

Female Blue/Violet : birth weight : 720 gr. --> day 22 : 2 690 gr.

Male Blue/Grey : birth weight : 690 gr. --> day 22 : 2 220 gr.

Female Gold/Green : birth weight : 710 gr. --> day 22 : 2 345 gr.

Male Gold/Red : birth weight : 705 gr. --> day 22 : 2 310 gr.

Female Gold/Gold : birth weight: 610 gr. --> day 22 : 2 035 gr.

Male Gold/Black : birth weight: 615 gr. --> day 22 :  2 030 gr                                                                         

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21 Feb

Saturday 17th of February 2018 Flanders Dog Show in Ghent day 1

Brr…it was still cold in the morning, but nothing to do about it, Crazy Boy (Clooney) and Oeps Lions from D’Es had to get up early.

The Leomobile is leaving, the feet upstairs…goodbye everyone, until this evening ! All the puppies called “good luck, good luck”…

It was the Judge Wilfried Peter who judged the 21 Leonbergers and who gave our dogs the following results and places :

Crazy Boy From Various Canin in Junior Class Males : 1st Place – Very good

Quitney lions from D’Es in Puppy Class Females : 1st Place – Promising

Oeps Lions from D’Es in Champion Class Females : 1st Place - Excellent – BOS – CAC –CACIB

Congratulations, eat and...sleep.  Tomorrow second showday in Ghent.

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21 Feb

Sunday the 18ht of February 2018 Flanders Dog Show in Ghent day 2

No sooner said than done, our alarm clock rings early again ! But we are still happy to participate to the show.

Today in Ghent it’s the Judge Monique Van De Bempt who judges the 17 Leonbergers and who gives our dogs the following results and places :

Crazy Boy From Various Canin(Clooney Georges) in Junior Class Males : 1st Place – Excellent and selected to the Ring of Honnor

Quitney Lions from D’Es in Puppy Class Females : 1st Place – Very Promising and also selected to the Ring of Honnor;

Oeps Lions from D’Es in Champion Class Females : 1st Place - Excellent – RCAC – RCACIB.

A topweekend, and now back home, so that we can still play for a while with the puppies.They were so proud of us !!

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19 Feb

Litter R 2 Noor and Jiminy day 30

Dear fanclub,

You’ve already heard the news, we’ve moved to the veranda, yes, yes, the puppyroom has really become too small for all of us.

It’s a very big change in our young puppylife. We are allowed to go to the outside playground, there we can do fitness, and all our aunts can come to encourage all of us.

And when we are tired, we go back to our room. There it’s full of papers, the Standard, the Newspaper, the Governmentpaper, publicityfolders etc… reading doesn’t go very well yet, but tearing the newspapers into pieces, that’s our favorite sport.  :)

Female Blue/Yellow : birth weight : 720 gr. --> day 30 : 3 770 gr.

Female Blue/Green : birth weight : 710 gr. --> day 30 : 3 350 gr.

Female Blue/red : birth weight : 490 gr. --> day 30 : 2 740 gr.

Male Blue/Black : birth weight : 690 gr. --> day 30 : 3 700 gr.

Female Blue/Gold : birth weight : 675 gr. --> day 30 : 3 505 gr.

Female Blue/Violet : birth weight : 720 gr. --> day 30 : 4 435 gr.

Male Blue/Grey : birth weight : 690 gr. --> day 30 : 3 495 gr.

Female Gold/Green : birth weight : 710 gr. --> day 30 : 3 790 gr.

Male Gold/Red : birth weight : 705 gr. --> day 30 : 4 070 gr.

Female Gold/Gold : birth weight: 610 gr. --> day 30 : 3 090 gr.

Male Gold/Black : birth weight: 615 gr. --> day 30 :  3 030 gr.

Njam,njam,  so many delicious things on the menu.

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19 Feb

Litter R 1 Jetaime and Konnor day 34

Hello everybody,

We’ve got great news !! We, the three of us and the eleven puppies from aunt Noor have moved .

Exciting,with all our bagages, rucksacks and suitcases all together to the great veranda. Whauw, we couldn’t believe our eyes, and…what a great garden,  “one” great attraction park !!

And because the sun was shining, we were allowed to put our first steps outside, the fresh air tickled in our snouts. We really got hungry of all these new adventures.

Female Yellow : birth weight : 570 gr.  day 34 --> 4 130 gr.

Female White :  birth weight : 555 gr.  day 34 --> 4 460 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 610 gr.  day 34 --> 4 505 gr.

Fortunately, our moms comes every now and then to give us a drink.

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25 Feb

Litter R 1 Jetaime and Konnor day 40

Hello, hello,

We’ve had a fantastic week together. Here in the veranda, it is really an attraction park for the puppies with lots of toys and challenges… we can practise differents kinds of sports.

Our favorite sport is struggling with our sisters and brothers, that’s always funny !

And when we are fighting too much, then our mom comes to watch us and from that moment we are just like angels  : )

Female Yellow : birth weight : 570 gr.  day 40 --> 5 345 gr.

Female White :  birth weight : 555 gr.  day 40 --> 5 655 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 610 gr.  day 40 --> 5 645 gr.

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25 Feb

Litter R 2 Noor and Jiminy day 35

Hello everybody,

We really make it to our senses here, and we have a lot of fun together…

From the morning until the evening we are experiencing great adventures. Sometimes we are so tired that we fall asleep where we are.

It was very, very cold this week, but strong Leonbergers as we are, we can already stand something,  eating very well… and we also organize a day with special care to our skin to resist the cold weather.

We are doing our very best to become great and strong

Female Blue/Yellow : birth weight : 720 gr. --> day 35 : 4 660 gr.

Female Blue/Green : birth weight : 710 gr. --> day 35 : 4 450 gr.

Female Blue/red : birth weight : 490 gr. --> day 35 : 3 685 gr.

Male Blue/Black : birth weight : 690 gr. --> day 35 : 4 845 gr.

Female Blue/Gold : birth weight : 675 gr. --> day 35 : 4 295 gr.

Female Blue/Violet : birth weight : 720 gr. --> day 35 : 5 470 gr.

Male Blue/Grey : birth weight : 690 gr. --> day 35 : 4 670 gr.

Female Gold/Green : birth weight : 710 gr. --> day 35 : 4 905 gr.

Male Gold/Red : birth weight : 705 gr. --> day 35 : 5 165 gr.

Female Gold/Gold : birth weight: 610 gr. --> day 35 : 3 945 gr.

Male Gold/Black : birth weight: 615 gr. --> day 35 :  4 010 gr.

A lot of people come to visit and to admire us( because we are so lovely), and we are amusing ourselves by tearing the laces out of the shoes, and biting into the jeans, but oh, with such innocent eyes !!

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Hydro Lions From D'Es, hydrotherapie


Zwemmen met je hond is gewoon leuk maar het is ook heel gezond. Mensen komen naar ons hydrotherapiecenter met honden die last hebben van heupdysplasie, elleboogdysplasie, gescheurde ligamenten, artrose, rugproblemen, spierblessures of overgewicht. Met hydrotherapie kan je je hond op verschillende manieren helpen. De fysieke inspanning op zich is goed voor de gezondheid van je hond, zorgt voor een betere ontwikkeling van de spiermassa en is goed voor de behandeling van pijn bij bv. artrose.

Ook gezonde, opgroeiende honden hebben baat bij hydrotherapie. Het bevordert een evenwichtige opbouw van spieren en gewrichten. Bij oudere honden onderhoudt hydrotherapie de spiermassa zonder zware inspanning en overbelasting. Honden zwemmen van nature... maar niet allemaal! 

Bij sommige rassen is "leren zwemmen" nodig. Hydrotherapie is trouwens veel meer dan zwemmen alleen. Het zorgt voor een perfect hondenleven: niet alleen fysiek maar ook mentaal. Het is ideaal voor een goede socialisatie en trouwens perfect tegen stress bij je hond.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Wij beschikken over een hydrotherapiebak met een vlakke loopband en een hydrotherapiebak met een loopband met een hellingsgraad van 8 tot 30 graden.

De hydrotherapie op zich bestaat uit doelgerichte oefeningen die op een zachte manier in water worden uitgevoerd om op die manier terug spiermassa op te bouwen. Door de beweging in water wordt de aanmaak van gewrichtsvocht gestimuleerd zodat er als het ware een olie-achtige film rond de gewrichten wordt gelegd. De bloedsomloop van je hond wordt ook gestimuleerd door de intensiteit van de oefeningen en de warmte van het water.

Eén hydrotherapiesessie duurt een half uur.

De aanwezigheid van het baasje is heel belangrijk (zeker de eerste keren) om je hond gerust te stellen en hem te stimuleren om de oefeningen op de loopband in het water te doen.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Per beurt betaalt u slechts 30 euro.



Hydro Lions From D'es

Luc Vandeuren
Molenweg 25
3040 Huldenberg

GSM: +32 (0)495/20 88 87

Ond.nr. BE0746230205


Foto's hydrotherapie