Litter R 2 Noor and Jiminy day 30
Dear fanclub,
You’ve already heard the news, we’ve moved to the veranda, yes, yes, the puppyroom has really become too small for all of us.
It’s a very big change in our young puppylife. We are allowed to go to the outside playground, there we can do fitness, and all our aunts can come to encourage all of us.
And when we are tired, we go back to our room. There it’s full of papers, the Standard, the Newspaper, the Governmentpaper, publicityfolders etc… reading doesn’t go very well yet, but tearing the newspapers into pieces, that’s our favorite sport. :)
Female Blue/Yellow : birth weight : 720 gr. --> day 30 : 3 770 gr.
Female Blue/Green : birth weight : 710 gr. --> day 30 : 3 350 gr.
Female Blue/red : birth weight : 490 gr. --> day 30 : 2 740 gr.
Male Blue/Black : birth weight : 690 gr. --> day 30 : 3 700 gr.
Female Blue/Gold : birth weight : 675 gr. --> day 30 : 3 505 gr.
Female Blue/Violet : birth weight : 720 gr. --> day 30 : 4 435 gr.
Male Blue/Grey : birth weight : 690 gr. --> day 30 : 3 495 gr.
Female Gold/Green : birth weight : 710 gr. --> day 30 : 3 790 gr.
Male Gold/Red : birth weight : 705 gr. --> day 30 : 4 070 gr.
Female Gold/Gold : birth weight: 610 gr. --> day 30 : 3 090 gr.
Male Gold/Black : birth weight: 615 gr. --> day 30 : 3 030 gr.