The puppies of Litter O 3 Norse Saga and Ghost are born.
We are very proud to present you our O 3 litter, puppies from mom Norse Saga
Zielona Cieszynianka and dad Ghost von Leuenfort.
The leomobile is leaving direction veterinarian DAP Hoogland…on board Norse Saga
(Tosja), with all her puppies still in her big belly.
A few hours later she may return back home where she will be welcomed by
the whole pack of Lions from F’Es…
Norse Saga,still a little groggy from the anesthesia of the caesarean section,
but with a less big belly, is very proud now with her 10 puppies, 6 males and 4 females…
Dad Ghost is also very happy and he wipes some tears away…
Female light blue : birth weight: 530 gr.
Female lila : birth weight : 500 gr.
Female white : birth weight : 530 gr.
Female yellow : birth weight : 325 gr.
Male blue : birth weight : 510 gr.
Male green : birth weight : 520 gr.
Male violet : birth weight : 510 gr.
Male grey : birth weight : 485 gr.
Male red : birth weight : 375 gr.
Male black : birth weight : 525 gr.
All puppies are healthy and they are doing their best on mom’s milkbar…