The 9th of April 2021 Litter U 5 Nice Lions from D’Es and Crazy Boy from Various Canine is born.
Niceke had become very restless because her belly was about to explode…And then there is only one solution, the puppies have to be born now.
Ang yes, she prefers to do it in the middle of the night, when everything is quiet and all the dogs of Lions from D’Es are sleeping.
No sooner said than done, Nice starts giving birth…
01.50 u Male Multicolor-Blue : birth weight : 404 gr.
05.10 u Male Multicolor-Green : birth weight : 480 gr.
05.30 u Male Multicolor-Black : birth weight : 530 gr.
06.20 u Female Multicolor-White : birth weight : 500 gr.
08.05 u Female Multicolor-Light-Blue : birth weight : 488 gr.
08.20 u Female Multicolor-Orange : birth weight : 356 gr.
10.40 u Female Multicolor-Yellow : birth weight : 500 gr.
13.40 u Female Multicolor-Salmon : birth weight : 384 gr.
15.20 u Female Multicolor-Red : birth weight : 380 gr.
Mom Nice and dad Crazy Boy very proud of their descendance, they are doing very well.
One little male didn’t make it, and has left immediately to the dog’s heaven, where he’s shining like a little star now.
After the birth, mom Nice takes a moment of rest, and pampers all her little puppies with the most delicious and strongest milk of the world !!
Tomorrow more news is following…