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Monthly archive

02 Aug

Litter U 6 Riga & Crazy Boy day 15

Hello everybody, here some more news about us, the litter U 6.

We are doing great, our mom and dad are so proud of us. We are so happy that we can drink the best milk of the world from our mom’s milkbar…

Eating and sleeping, that’s our greatest activity for the moment. And we are growing very quickly this way.

Female Yellow : birth weight : 675 gr. --> day 15 : 2 120 gr.

Male Red : birth weight : 645 gr. --> day 15 : 1 855 gr.

Female Orange : birth weight : 655 gr. --> day 15 : 1 890 gr.

Female White : birth weight : 615 gr. --> day 15 : 1 960 gr.

Male Black : birth weight : 700 gr. --> day 15 : 1 885 gr.

Female Light Blue : birth weight : 615 gr. --> day 15 : 1 910 gr.

Have a look to our photos, and see how lovely we are !!

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06 Aug

Litter U 7 Persilla & Crazy Boy day 14

Dear fanclub,

Here some more news about us, the 11 from the Litter U 7

We are doing “super” and in the meantime we are already more than two weeks old.

Our eyes are already open since a few days just like our friends from the Litter U 6. That makes it a little easier to recognize each other and with the colored ribbons we know who is who.

We are already trying to stand on our own feet a little. That requires a lot of effort and for that we need a lot of supermilk. And…mommy milk gives us super power.

And we also like sleeping, close to our mom, dreaming together of a wonderful future doglife.

Male Multicolor-Blue Dark-Light : birth weight : 590 gr. --> day 14 : 1 870 gr.

Male Multicolor-Black : birth weight : 615 gr. --> day 14 : 1 720 gr.

Female Multicolor-Salmon : birth weight : 450 gr. --> day 14 : 1 075 gr.

Male Multicolor-Blue : birth weight : 585 gr. --> day 14 : 1 725 gr.

Male Multicolor-Red : birth weight : 610 gr. --> day 14 : 1 665 gr.

Male Multicolor-Grey : birth weight : 640 gr. --> day 14 : 1 675 gr.

Female Multicolor-White : birth weight : 690 gr. --> day 14 : 1 715 gr.

Female Multicolor-Yellow : birth weight : 590 gr. --> day 14 : 1 790 gr.

Male Multicolor-Green : birth weight : 600 gr. – day 14 :1  550 gr.

Female Multicolor-Orange : birth weight : 600 gr. --> day 14 : 1 895 gr.

Male Multicolor-Brown : birth weight : 565 gr. --> day 14 : 1 745 gr.

And whether we do our best !!

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11 Aug

Litter U 6 Riga & Crazy Boy day 22

Hello, dear fanclub,

Everything goes great with us, the U 6jes. We are growing up very well and every day a new adventure is waiting for us…

Yes, yes, we’ve eaten for the first time porridge and we have moved to the great veranda. But we will tell you more about all this in our next news rubric.

So follow our adventures on this website …

Female Yellow : birth weight : 675 gr. --> day 22 : 2 875 gr.

Male Red : birth weight : 645 gr. --> day 22 : 2 605 gr.

Female Orange : birth weight : 655 gr. --> day 22 : 2 765 gr.

Female White : birth weight : 615 gr. --> day 22 : 2 820 gr.

Male Black : birth weight : 700 gr. --> day 22 : 2 835 gr.

Female Light Blue : birth weight : 615 gr. --> day 22 : 2 675 gr.

Whauww, eating porridge makes us growing so good !!

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13 Aug

Litter U 6 Riga & Crazy Boy first porridge

Dear fanclub,

As we promised, we give you some more news about us, the U 6jes.

We already knew that our mom gives us the best milk of the world. But…we are growing up so fast that milk is no longer enough. Then, there is “porridge”…porridge is made of mixed and soaked puppy biscuits.

That tastes very good, but it even takes the necessary knowledge to eat it. First we lick it carefully, hmmm… it’s a little sticking ! Let’s put our feet into it…no that’s not it either.

Finally we lick with our little tongue, we chew and then we swallow…

After the meal, inspection of our mom. We almost ate everything, very good !! Now it’s time to wash our paws and snouts.

We are doing it already very well !!

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13 Aug

Litter U 6 Riga & Crazy Boy the move to the veranda.

Here still more news from the U 6tjes

Everything is becoming really too small in the puppyroom. We all devoted about it and everyone agreed unanimously. We are moving to the veranda.

We had a very nice time in the puppyroom, but now we are growing up  and we want adventure… Under the watchful eye of our mom and our dad we made our backpack with all kind of toys…our cuddles and a few balls, and our bowls to eat and to drink.

By, by puppyroom. The veranda is great and gives view on the garden and the big covered puppy playground. And all our aunts have their bedroom here… How nice is all this here !!

Now we are still doing “our needs” on the newspapers, but soon we will learn to go to the “puppy toilet”. But everything in time.

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13 Aug

Litter U 7 Persilla & Crazy Boy day 21

Hello everyone,

Here also some news of the litter U 7.

Today we are 3 weeks old. We are becoming big, and everything goes great here. We are having a good time. But from now on, some things will change, We are going to learn to eat porridge and the move to the veranda is on the agenda.

But now first of all our individual photo shoot. And, oeps, the ball of multicolor wool has been forgotten at the decor.

Male Multicolor-Blue Dark-Light : birth weight : 590 gr. --> day 21 : 2 770 gr.

Male Multicolor-Black : birth weight : 615 gr. --> day 21 : 2 550 gr.

Female Multicolor-Salmon : birth weight : 450 gr. --> day 21 : 1 475 gr.

Male Multicolor-Blue : birth weight : 585 gr. --> day 21 : 2 505 gr.

Male Multicolor-Red : birth weight : 610 gr. --> day 21 : 2 475 gr.

Male Multicolor-Grey : birth weight : 640 gr. --> day 21 : 2 325 gr.

Female Multicolor-White : birth weight : 690 gr. --> day 21 : 2 710 gr.

Female Multicolor-Yellow : birth weight : 590 gr. --> day 21 : 2 595 gr.

Male Multicolor-Green : birth weight : 600 gr. – day 21 : 2 360 gr.

Female Multicolor-Orange : birth weight : 600 gr. --> day 21 : 2 800 gr.

Male Multicolor-Brown : birth weight : 565 gr. --> day 21 : 2 655 gr.

Very well done !! We look great !!

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20 Aug

Litter U 6 Riga & Crazy Boy day 28

Hello dear fans,

Here we are with our weekly photo shoot and weights.

We are getting bigger by the day, but also lovely and nice, even from day 1 already.

And every day we are learning something new, yes, we are very curiously and we also  like to explore.

And sometimes, we can do funny things already, hi, hi. Then our mom comes to keep an eye on us.

Female Yellow : birth weight : 675 gr. --> day 28 : 3 790 gr.

Male Red : birth weight : 645 gr. --> day 28 : 3 850 gr.

Female Orange : birth weight : 655 gr. --> day 28 : 3 735 gr.

Female White : birth weight : 615 gr. --> day 28 : 4 060 gr.

Male Black : birth weight : 700 gr. --> day 28 : 3 870 gr.

Female Light Blue : birth weight : 615 gr. --> day 28 : 3 605 gr.

Bodybuilders !!

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20 Aug

Litter U 7 Persilla & Crazy Boy day 28

Hello everybody,

Here we are again with our weights and a new photo shoot.

This week, a lot has changed in our puppy life. We’ve learned to eat porridge, we have moved to the veranda and we could play for the first time outside.

But you can read more about our adventures in the following rubrics.

Male Multicolor-Blue Dark-Light : birth weight : 590 gr. --> day 28 : 4 045 gr.

Male Multicolor-Black : birth weight : 615 gr. --> day 28 : 3 615 gr.

Female Multicolor-Salmon : birth weight : 450 gr. --> day 28 : 2 615 gr.

Male Multicolor-Blue : birth weight : 585 gr. --> day 28 : 3 825 gr.

Male Multicolor-Red : birth weight : 610 gr. --> day 28 : 3 660 gr.

Male Multicolor-Grey : birth weight : 640 gr. --> day 28 : 3 780 gr.

Female Multicolor-White : birth weight : 690 gr. --> day 28 : 3 880 gr.

Female Multicolor-Yellow : birth weight : 590 gr. --> day 28 : 3 605 gr.

Male Multicolor-Green : birth weight : 600 gr. – day 28 : 3 395 gr.

Female Multicolor-Orange : birth weight : 600 gr. --> day 28 : 4 065 gr.

Male Multicolor-Brown : birth weight : 565 gr. --> day 28 : 3 980 gr.

Whauww !!!

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20 Aug

Litter U 7 Persilla & Crazy Boy first porridge

Dear fanclub,

Today there is porridge on our menu ???

Porridge,?? that’s something new, we really adored mom’s milk, but we are getting too big now. So it’s time to learn to eat real puppy biscuits…the biscuits are still soaked and mixed a little, so that it becomes a “porridge”.

It takes some patience to get used to it…it sticks…and it tastes strangely…

Ok, we’re getting started to it, but how ???  First we lick unusually and yes, yes, it tastes delicious !!

And for dessert we can still go to the milkbar . Joepiee !!

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20 Aug

Litter U 7 Persilla & Crazy Boy the move to the veranda.

Dear friends,

Now that we grow up, the puppy room is getting too small for us…we want to play, to run and to have place to do sport ..???

And yes, we move to the veranda, where our friends from the U 6 Litter are already waiting for us, together with all our aunts…

The move itself was a stressful affair, we couldn’t forget anything, balls, toys, cuddly bears, and also our bowls to eat and to drink…

Our mom was very busy, but fortunately she had a list of what we all had to take with us. She is really so intelligent our mom !!

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Hydro Lions From D'Es, hydrotherapie


Zwemmen met je hond is gewoon leuk maar het is ook heel gezond. Mensen komen naar ons hydrotherapiecenter met honden die last hebben van heupdysplasie, elleboogdysplasie, gescheurde ligamenten, artrose, rugproblemen, spierblessures of overgewicht. Met hydrotherapie kan je je hond op verschillende manieren helpen. De fysieke inspanning op zich is goed voor de gezondheid van je hond, zorgt voor een betere ontwikkeling van de spiermassa en is goed voor de behandeling van pijn bij bv. artrose.

Ook gezonde, opgroeiende honden hebben baat bij hydrotherapie. Het bevordert een evenwichtige opbouw van spieren en gewrichten. Bij oudere honden onderhoudt hydrotherapie de spiermassa zonder zware inspanning en overbelasting. Honden zwemmen van nature... maar niet allemaal! 

Bij sommige rassen is "leren zwemmen" nodig. Hydrotherapie is trouwens veel meer dan zwemmen alleen. Het zorgt voor een perfect hondenleven: niet alleen fysiek maar ook mentaal. Het is ideaal voor een goede socialisatie en trouwens perfect tegen stress bij je hond.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Wij beschikken over een hydrotherapiebak met een vlakke loopband en een hydrotherapiebak met een loopband met een hellingsgraad van 8 tot 30 graden.

De hydrotherapie op zich bestaat uit doelgerichte oefeningen die op een zachte manier in water worden uitgevoerd om op die manier terug spiermassa op te bouwen. Door de beweging in water wordt de aanmaak van gewrichtsvocht gestimuleerd zodat er als het ware een olie-achtige film rond de gewrichten wordt gelegd. De bloedsomloop van je hond wordt ook gestimuleerd door de intensiteit van de oefeningen en de warmte van het water.

Eén hydrotherapiesessie duurt een half uur.

De aanwezigheid van het baasje is heel belangrijk (zeker de eerste keren) om je hond gerust te stellen en hem te stimuleren om de oefeningen op de loopband in het water te doen.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Per beurt betaalt u slechts 30 euro.



Hydro Lions From D'es

Luc Vandeuren
Molenweg 25
3040 Huldenberg

GSM: +32 (0)495/20 88 87

Ond.nr. BE0746230205


Foto's hydrotherapie