P 3 Litter Lona and Mi Amigo day 17
We are still too small to eat porridge, we have to wait until next week… we are curious…
In the meanwhile we are still drinking the delicious milk of our mom and have a look how
our weights are increased. Bravo for mom’s milkbar !
Our eyes are completely opened now, we had to wait so long for this moment to see
our mom with our own eyes… wauw !!... how she is beuatiful !!
Female Green-red-white : birth weight : 430 gr. --> day 17 : 1 685 gr.
Female Violet-green-blue : birth weight : 470 gr. --> day 17 : 1 590 gr.
Male Blue-white-black : birth weight : 465 gr. --> day 17 : 1 700 gr.
Male Red-yellow-black : birth weight : 495 gr. --> day 17 : 1 645 gr.
Male Blue-white-red : birth weight : 565 gr. --> day 17 : 1 855 gr.
Male Red-green-blue : birth weight : 505 gr. --> day 17 : 1 420 gr.
Male Green-yellow-blue : birth weight : 470 gr. --> day 17 : 1 585 gr.
We are the youngest but we are doing it at least as good as our room mates from P 1 and P 2 litters !
Have a look to the rubric “movies” and you can see that we like our mom’s milkbar !!