Litter T 6 Princess Sissi & Clooney day 34
Hello, hello… here the news from the T 6 ‘tjes.
Every day is an new adventure for us. We fully enjoy pushing our limits in every sense.
By eating well and moving well, we grow like cabbages. Playing and sporting all day…and when we are tired, we all take a siesta in our corner in the veranda.
After our siesta, we stretch our legs and we begin all over again, playing tag and judo, these are our favorite sports, and also don’t forget playing football.!!
The females are very busy with their coat, their nails and their bandages. They are giggling among each other, probably they are talking about the handsome boys.
The males, they are trying to do their best to look as tough as possible…running as fast as possible and jumping as far as possible… to impress the females…
Female Light green-Orange : birth weight : 520 gr. --> day 34 : 4 290 gr.
Female Light green-Salmon : birth weight : 528 gr. --> day 34 : 5 265 gr.
Female Light green-Violet : birth weight : 635 gr. --> day 34 : 5 340 gr.
Female Light green-Blue : birth weight : 680 gr. --> day 34 : 5 165 gr.
Male Green : birth weight : 504 gr. --> day 34 : 5 000 gr.
Male Blue Dark-Light : birth weight : 620 gr. – day 34 : 4 535 gr.
Lovely little Leo’tjes !!