Litter S 1 Sissi and Crazy boy day 28
After a blissful night and a delicious breakfast, our mom called us together.
My children, she said, today is a special day. Last night night there has fallen a new snow carpet, and I have decided to move to the veranda, because you guys are so brave and obedient.
We al happy of course, and, what a great excitement ! Silence ! our mom called. Now you all have to search your things and to make your bagage.
Our hearts were beating fast, when we saw the great garden, all white. We want to play ! we want to play ! But for going outside, therefore it is still a little too early, first we have to get used to our new envirement.
Nicely warm, and yet close to the garden and our whole family…that’s lovely. But we were very tired from the movement, so eyes and muzzles closed ! Time to sleep !!
Female Yellow : birth weight : 580 gr. day 28 --> 3 320 gr.
Female Green : birth weight : 695 gr. day 28 --> 3 835 gr.
Female Blue : birth weight : 670 gr. day 28 --> 3 660 gr.
Male Red : birth weight : 665 gr. day 28 --> 3 335 gr.
Female Light Blue : birth weight : 420 gr. day 28 --> 2 615 gr.
Male Black : birth weight : 645 gr. day 28 --> 3 650 gr.
The dish of the day here is delicious. And after this, there is alwaus a little dessert from our mom…hmmm