the 11 of january there was a romance between the good looking Tigo en the beautifull Shiva
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Monthly archive

05 May

Litter T 1 Nina and Crazy Boy day 21

Hello, here we are with some more news.  The T 1tjes, week 3.

Now that we can see (our eyes are good open now) where we are running, we dare to go on exploration, yes, yes, we are waddling around the puppybox. And sometimes we meet a brother or sister who is asleep, but that’s no problem, we just crawl over them.

Or we are waddling back to our mom, near to her soft skin, and then we drink and drink until we fall asleep.

Our mom is so proud of us, we are doing are very best to grow up quickly.

Female Violet : birth weight : 560 gr. --> day 21 : 1 825 gr.

Female  White : birth weight : 440 gr. --> day 21 : 1 630 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 425 gr. --> day 21 : 1 775 gr.

Female Bordeau : birth weight : 490 gr. --> day 21 : 1 950 gr.

Male Black : birth weight : 440 gr. --> day 21 : 1 685 gr.

Male Green : birth weight : 530 gr. --> day 21 : 2 095 gr.

Male Grey : birth weight : 480 gr. --> day 21 : 1 870 gr.

Female Yellow : birth weight : 475 gr. --> day 21 : 1 805 gr.


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07 May

Litter T 2 Princess Sissi and Paco day 21

Hello dear friends, here we are again with some news about the last week…

Our mom and dad told us that we are doing our very best, that we are becoming already “great” and that we are always looking forward to drink at “mom’s milkbar”. She really serves the best milk all over the world.

Since a few days, we started to go on exploration…yes, yes, we’ve already  heard in the corridors that very soon, we will start to eat porridge.  Joepie !!!

Female Yellow : birth weight : 560 gr. --> day 21 : 1 880 gr.

Female Light Blue : birth weight : 440 gr. --> day 21 : 1 780 gr.

Male Brown : birth weight : 490 gr. -->  day 21 : 1 490 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 690 gr. --> day 21 : 2 185 gr.

Male Green : birth weight : 580 gr. --> day 21 : 1 885 gr.

Male Black : birth weight : 570 gr. --> day 21 : 2 000 gr.

Female Violet : birth weight : 635 gr. --> day 21 : 2 060 gr.

Male Grey : birth weight : 645 gr. --> day 21 : 1 990 gr

We’ve done very well, isn’t it  !!


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11 May

Litter T 1 and T 2 First porridge.

Hello, dear fanclub,

Great news !!! For the first time we have eaten porridge all together !!!

First impression…what’s that…that smells good,it feels soft and a little warm…but we cannot suck on it ? Carefully we put our snout into it…strange but delicious !!!

It fills our little bellies, and after it, we can still go to our mom’s milkbar for a dessert.

We’ve also discovered that our bowl (when it’s empty) can perfectly serve as a 

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12 May

Litter T 1 and T 2 are moving from the puppyroom to the veranda.

Hello everybody, we still have great news for all of you.

Yesterday there was an important informing from our moms…

We are all very kindly and bravely, we are listening very well, yes, yes, we are ready for tomorrow. The great day is coming… tomorrow we will move to the great veranda.

Exciting and stressy, but also full of confidence, we are making our suitcases. And then, the moment is there…

Bye, bye puppyroom, which came too small now. Hello to a new stage in our young puppylife.

One by one, we were brought  to the great veranda. All this under the watchful eye of our mom. And a hedge of honnor from all our aunts to welcome us with much pleasure.

Whauww…so may place and so close to the garden and the sleeping room from our great family. One thing is assured, we are going to have lots of fun here.

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13 May

Litter T 1 Nina and Crazy Boy day 28

Hello, dear fanclub,

Amaai, amaai, it’s been quite a week, we are already very busy, we are growing up like cabbages, and there are also a lot of changes in our puppylife…

Eating porridge has completely changed our puppylife. And the day after we had to move to the veranda. Whauww, if everything goes on like this, we will have quite a number of new experiences within the shortest time.

All this is really exhausting, fortunately our moms takes care of us so that we can get enough rest.

Female Violet : birth weight : 560 gr. --> day 28 : 2 690 gr.

Female  White : birth weight : 440 gr. --> day 28 : 2 500 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 425 gr. --> day 28 : 2 580 gr.

Female Bordeau : birth weight : 490 gr. --> day 28 : 3 000 gr.

Male Black : birth weight : 440 gr. --> day 28 : 2 620 gr.

Male Green : birth weight : 530 gr. --> day 28 : 3 340 gr.

Male Grey : birth weight : 480 gr. --> day 28 : 2 920 gr.

Female Yellow : birth weight : 475 gr. --> day 28 : 2 790 gr.

We have done our best isn’t it !!!

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14 May

Litter T 2 Princesse Sissi and Paco day 28

Hello everybody,

As you may have already read, there were a lot of changes in our young live.

Eating porridge, moving to the veranda… and at last but not least growing well…so you can see, a very busy life, dear friends…but we really get  hungry from all these adventures, but we like it !!

Female Yellow : birth weight : 560 gr. --> day 28 : 2 890 gr.

Female Light Blue : birth weight : 440 gr. --> day 28 : 2 590 gr.

Male Brown : birth weight : 490 gr. -->  day 28 : 2 450 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 690 gr. --> day 28 : 3 440 gr.

Male Green : birth weight : 580 gr. --> day 28 : 2 950 gr.

Male Black : birth weight : 570 gr. --> day 28 : 2 945 gr.

Female Violet : birth weight : 635 gr. --> day 28 : 3 030 gr.

Male Grey : birth weight : 645 gr. --> day 28 : 2 800 gr

The photoshoot has been taken in a unexpected moment, we were not washed at all so there was still some porridge on our snouts. But such things can happen sometimes...

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17 May

Litter T 1 and T 2 First steps outside.

Hello everybody,

Now that we are already used to our new puppy area in the veranda, we are also ready for the next big step. Putting our first steps outside.

One much faster than the other, we are going outside. With our mom in the front.

The outside air tickles into our snouts. It’s fantastic, the warmth of the sun which shines on our soft fluff.

We really have a super playground here, with many fitness sets and toys. We are now discovering that there are many ropes on which we can practice our teeth, and we also enjoy pulling ropes with two of us, very exciting !!

And there is also a large tray, a puppy toilet, which serves to do pip and poo. By this way, we learn to be “clean”. It’s not always easy but we are doing our best.

Our moms are doing their very best, sometimes there is even “a happy hour” to drink and enjoy their milkbars.  Delicious !!!

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19 May

Litter T 1 Nostra Nina and Crazy Boy day 35

Hello, hello,

Our last days have been very busy here, there were so many changes in our life…we are moving quite forward… we are learning every day something new, they call all this “socializing” !!!

But we really like all these things !! In the meanwhile we are already 35 days old, yes, yes, we are no longer  “baby-puppies” but “toddler-puppies”.

And because of all these new adventures, we are getting very hungry…have a look to our weights…

Female Violet : birth weight : 560 gr. --> day 35 : 4 060 gr.

Female  White : birth weight : 440 gr. --> day 35 : 3 500 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 425 gr. --> day 35 : 4 010 gr.

Female Bordeau : birth weight : 490 gr. --> day 35 : 4 145 gr.

Male Black : birth weight : 440 gr. --> day 35 : 3 850 gr.

Male Green : birth weight : 530 gr. --> day 35 : 4 940 gr.

Male Grey : birth weight : 480 gr. --> day 35 : 4 125 gr.

Female Yellow : birth weight : 475 gr. --> day 35 : 3 965 gr.

We are all becoming “bodybuilders”

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21 May

Litter T 2 Princess Sissi and Paco day 35

Hello everybody, here we are again with the newsflash from the last week.

We’ve had a very busy but funny week… yes, yes, there were a lot of changes : moving from the puppyroom to the veranda, and also our first introduction with the outdoors air.

We fully enjoy it, playing together, running, exploring new things, we really can’t get enough of it. And because of all these adventures, we get very hungry and we have chosen to pick-nick outside all together, so delicious !!

But the most important thing is always the dessert of our mom.

Female Yellow : birth weight : 560 gr. --> day 35 : 4 370 gr.

Female Light Blue : birth weight : 440 gr. --> day 35 : 3 900 gr.

Male Brown : birth weight : 490 gr. -->  day 35 : 3 790 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 690 gr. --> day 35 : 4 820 gr.

Male Green : birth weight : 580 gr. --> day 35 : 4 265 gr.

Male Black : birth weight : 570 gr. --> day 35 : 4 185 gr.

Female Violet : birth weight : 635 gr. --> day 35 : 4 245 gr.

Male Grey : birth weight : 645 gr. --> day 35 : 4 580 gr

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24 May

Litter T 3 Roos and Mi Amigo is coming soon.

It’s a fact that Corona Time gives a positive response to nature, even the dogs are feeling this…

One morning, there has been an unexpected romance between Mi Amigo Boy the Leo’s vom Kvallk and Roos Lions from D’Es. What a beautiful  couple !!

This unexpected romance will give puppies at half June.

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Hydro Lions From D'Es, hydrotherapie


Zwemmen met je hond is gewoon leuk maar het is ook heel gezond. Mensen komen naar ons hydrotherapiecenter met honden die last hebben van heupdysplasie, elleboogdysplasie, gescheurde ligamenten, artrose, rugproblemen, spierblessures of overgewicht. Met hydrotherapie kan je je hond op verschillende manieren helpen. De fysieke inspanning op zich is goed voor de gezondheid van je hond, zorgt voor een betere ontwikkeling van de spiermassa en is goed voor de behandeling van pijn bij bv. artrose.

Ook gezonde, opgroeiende honden hebben baat bij hydrotherapie. Het bevordert een evenwichtige opbouw van spieren en gewrichten. Bij oudere honden onderhoudt hydrotherapie de spiermassa zonder zware inspanning en overbelasting. Honden zwemmen van nature... maar niet allemaal! 

Bij sommige rassen is "leren zwemmen" nodig. Hydrotherapie is trouwens veel meer dan zwemmen alleen. Het zorgt voor een perfect hondenleven: niet alleen fysiek maar ook mentaal. Het is ideaal voor een goede socialisatie en trouwens perfect tegen stress bij je hond.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Wij beschikken over een hydrotherapiebak met een vlakke loopband en een hydrotherapiebak met een loopband met een hellingsgraad van 8 tot 30 graden.

De hydrotherapie op zich bestaat uit doelgerichte oefeningen die op een zachte manier in water worden uitgevoerd om op die manier terug spiermassa op te bouwen. Door de beweging in water wordt de aanmaak van gewrichtsvocht gestimuleerd zodat er als het ware een olie-achtige film rond de gewrichten wordt gelegd. De bloedsomloop van je hond wordt ook gestimuleerd door de intensiteit van de oefeningen en de warmte van het water.

Eén hydrotherapiesessie duurt een half uur.

De aanwezigheid van het baasje is heel belangrijk (zeker de eerste keren) om je hond gerust te stellen en hem te stimuleren om de oefeningen op de loopband in het water te doen.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Per beurt betaalt u slechts 30 euro.



Hydro Lions From D'es

Luc Vandeuren
Molenweg 25
3040 Huldenberg

GSM: +32 (0)495/20 88 87

Ond.nr. BE0746230205


Foto's hydrotherapie