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Monthly archive

02 Jul

Litter R 3 Lagouna and Ghost day 60

Hello dear friends,

Here we are again with some news about the two of us and the 10 nephews and nieces from the R 4 litter.

Everything goes fine, given the heat wave, we often lay down “strike” from the heat…but we still take time to play, preferably into the water.

We have a little splash pool here in the veranda and we fully make use of it, but as result.… a lot of wet puppies.

We are often sitting in the bar next to the splash pool, we are drinking many, many buckets of water, sometimes we even put our feet into it to refresh. As it seems, then we are “real” Leonbergers !!

And the food is also no problem, even with this heat, we get a lot of cold dishes.

Male Yellow : birth weight : 385 gr. --> day 60 : 7 710 gr.

Female white : birth weight : 470 gr.--> day 60 : 9 200 gr.

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02 Jul

Litter R 4 Oeps and Jiminy day 52

Hey, hey dear fanclub, here we are again with some news about us.

Together with all of us, also the nephew and niece from R 3 litter, we are making a lot of fun here every day.

We fully enjoy the last week “all together” with a lot of football on tv and lots of sun…and…   it is very warm…pff.

We celebrate along with the victories of the Red Devils but especially with the excellent results from our Lions from D’Eskes on show.

So the water flows richtly, and we drink and drink and say “cheers”… the full buckets  of “Jupwater 00” are following each other quickly on !!

And after this, the buffet is opened, we really get hungry of it :

Female green : birth weight : 635 gr. -->  day 52 : 9 120 gr.

Female Gold/White : birth weight : 580 gr. --> day 52 : 8 955 gr.

Male Red : birth weight : 615 gr. --> day 52 :  8 860 gr.

Male Grey : birth weight : 660 gr. --> day 52 : 9 380 gr.

Male Violet : birth weight : 670 gr. --> day 52 : 9 445 gr.

Female Violet/White : birth weight : 545 gr. --> day 52 : 8 355 gr.

Female Blue/White : birth weight : 590 gr.-->  day 52 : 7 720 gr.

Female Green/White : birth weight : 580 gr. --> day 52 : 8 430 gr.

Female Red/White : birth weight : 585 gr. --> day 52 : 8 090 gr.

Male Blue : birth weight : 620 gr. --> day 52 : 9 240 gr.

Olé, olé, olé… we are the champions !!


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02 Jul

Litters R 3 and R 4 socializing in the dogschool

Saturday 30th of June, the end of the school year, but for us however the beginning of the school year ! From now on it really begins, we have to learn everything…beginning with a visit to the school, and a ride by car.

Now that we have got a microchip and that we are vaccinated, the real doglife begins, and the only right thing to start with is going to school.

No sooner said than done. All of us, together with our mom, we all have some stress when we take our places into the Leomobile. We are toddling in the mobile from one side to the other, and it tickles in our bellies.

Once arrived in the dogschool, we fully enjoy all the attention, we already feel a little “great “. Many people are coming to greet and to see us and we get lots of caresses.

We’ve also seen strange dogs…white, black, spotty, little, great ones..all different kinds, fortunately they all were quite well behaved with us.

There were even some futur owners who came to see and to admire us, super funny !!

Once back home, all the puppies took a long siesta…

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02 Jul

Sunday th 1st of July 2018 Dogshow Genk

While the puppies are still in dreamland, having a rest after a busy day yesterday, the Leomobile is leaving direction Limburg.

On board George Clooney and Princess Sissi…whauww…what a VIP pair !

It is Judge Judy who judges the 24 enregistered Leonbergers and who gives our dogs the following results and places :

Crazy Boy From Various Canine (our George Clooney) in Junior Class Males : 1st Place – Excellent 

Princess Sissi Lions from D’Es in Champion Class Females  : 2nd  Place – Excellent

Lions from D’Eskes nazaten :

The little ones Rubby and Romba Lions from D’Es in Female Puppies : 1st  and 2nd  Place – Very Promising.

Nostra Nina Lions from D’Es in Open Class Females :  2nd Place – Excellent

We are the Champions my friend...

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02 Jul

The moment has come… our white ribbon is leaving

The moment has come, our White ribbon is leaving, she’s been given the name of Rêve, Rêve Lions from D’Es !   

Rêve will have a futur full of pleasure, she will have immediately a Leonberger sister and a Leonberger brother with her, and also a few other animals which are already part of a lovely family.   

Rêve will be able to romp in a large garden with a forest near their house. Yes, yes, the three leonbergers will have a lot of adventures together. “A dream”…just like her life will  become…

We wish Rêve a happy and healthy doglife !                                         

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11 Jul

The moment has come…our green-white ribbon is leaving.

The moment has come, our Green-White ribbon is leaving, she’ll be given the name of Ragazza, Ragazza (Kooza) Lions from D’Es !

Ragazza will have a lovely future, together with Roxi ( her new dogsister), she feels already so happy from the first moment.

She will receive lots of caresses from her owner Kristien. But she’ll also has to do her best to learn all her exercises.Just like  it should be, Kristien is a teacher, so be well-behaved and obedient, if you do not… no playing time and stay in the corner( but this will not happen often) because I am a very lovely dog.

We wish Ragazza a happy and healthy doglife !

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12 Jul

The moment has come…our red-white ribbon is leaving.

The moment has come, our White-Red ribbon is leaving, she’s been given the name of Ramsy, Ramsy Lions from D’Es !

Ramsy has been closely involved in the World Cup of Football !!

Fortunately everything is now less crowded, so it’s time now to…educate their lovely little Leonberger puppy.

Ramsy will  become the best friend of four owners, that will definitely succeed, isn’ it ?

Ramsy will give them so much love and vice versa !

We wish Ramsy a very happy and healthy doglife !

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12 Jul

The moment has come…our green ribbon is leaving

The moment has come, our Green ribbon is leaving, he’s been given the name of Raikko, Raikko Lions from D’Es !

Raikko will be the best friend of a lovely family, together with Quoshka Lions from D’Es, his sister, they will  have lots of nice adventures together. Eight feet on “one belly” !

Specially thanks to my new owners to choose me. I really did do my very best to charm all of you, and, yes, yes ! It was love at the first sight !!

We wish Raikko a very happy and healthy doglife !

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12 Jul

The moment has come…our blue-white ribbon is leaving

The moment has come, our Blue-White ribbon is leaving, she’s been given the name of Rommy, Rommy Lions from D’Es !

Rommy will have a nice future, together with Rainbow (yellow ribbon), together they will be strong…they will play together with the two great Leonbergers and the “small white”.

The cats and the chicken and the rabbit, the parrot already knows the names “Rommy” and Rainbow” out of his head.

The new owners will do everything to give them love and happiness, we are so sure of it.

We wish Rommy a healthy and happy doglife !!


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12 Jul

The moment has come…our violet ribbon is leaving.

The moment has come, our violet ribbon is leaving, he’ll be given the name of Ramses, Ramses Lions from D’Es.

Ramses will be very happy with hese new owners and vice versa. They will take long walks on the beach. And not to mention, he will be the mascot of the football team.

He will be present on all the football matches to cheer  the team from the tribune, his place is already reserved.

We wish Ramses a very happy and healthy doglife !!

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Hydro Lions From D'Es, hydrotherapie


Zwemmen met je hond is gewoon leuk maar het is ook heel gezond. Mensen komen naar ons hydrotherapiecenter met honden die last hebben van heupdysplasie, elleboogdysplasie, gescheurde ligamenten, artrose, rugproblemen, spierblessures of overgewicht. Met hydrotherapie kan je je hond op verschillende manieren helpen. De fysieke inspanning op zich is goed voor de gezondheid van je hond, zorgt voor een betere ontwikkeling van de spiermassa en is goed voor de behandeling van pijn bij bv. artrose.

Ook gezonde, opgroeiende honden hebben baat bij hydrotherapie. Het bevordert een evenwichtige opbouw van spieren en gewrichten. Bij oudere honden onderhoudt hydrotherapie de spiermassa zonder zware inspanning en overbelasting. Honden zwemmen van nature... maar niet allemaal! 

Bij sommige rassen is "leren zwemmen" nodig. Hydrotherapie is trouwens veel meer dan zwemmen alleen. Het zorgt voor een perfect hondenleven: niet alleen fysiek maar ook mentaal. Het is ideaal voor een goede socialisatie en trouwens perfect tegen stress bij je hond.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Wij beschikken over een hydrotherapiebak met een vlakke loopband en een hydrotherapiebak met een loopband met een hellingsgraad van 8 tot 30 graden.

De hydrotherapie op zich bestaat uit doelgerichte oefeningen die op een zachte manier in water worden uitgevoerd om op die manier terug spiermassa op te bouwen. Door de beweging in water wordt de aanmaak van gewrichtsvocht gestimuleerd zodat er als het ware een olie-achtige film rond de gewrichten wordt gelegd. De bloedsomloop van je hond wordt ook gestimuleerd door de intensiteit van de oefeningen en de warmte van het water.

Eén hydrotherapiesessie duurt een half uur.

De aanwezigheid van het baasje is heel belangrijk (zeker de eerste keren) om je hond gerust te stellen en hem te stimuleren om de oefeningen op de loopband in het water te doen.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Per beurt betaalt u slechts 30 euro.



Hydro Lions From D'es

Luc Vandeuren
Molenweg 25
3040 Huldenberg

GSM: +32 (0)495/20 88 87

Ond.nr. BE0746230205


Foto's hydrotherapie