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Saturday 16th of December, Dog Show Brussels
After a very busy week and a very rainy Friday for the dog owners Luc and Martine, we left with our little couple Meus Amicus Harko and Irawadi Vom Löwengarten to our capital to participate to the big Dog Show over there.
59 Leonbergers were registered and it was judge Andersen (NO) who gave following review:
Meus Amicus Harko in open class male, fourth place “Very Good”.
Irawadi Vom Löwengarten in open class female, second place “Excellent”.
All back home very satisfied!
25th of December, Merry Christmas!
Dear Leonbergers’ friends, in the name of all our little dogs and also in our name of course, we wish you all a Merry Christmas.
Read more and picturesThursday 29th of December, we are visiting the puppies of Esmeralda and Harko.
Four of the six puppies of Esmeralda and Harko have found a good home.
Two puppies stay with mom Esmeralda, a little male and a little female. Mom Esmeralda and daddy Harko are very satisfied with them.
They will grow up with Geneviève, where they will become ‘the cuties” of all the customers of the garden center “La Roseraie Pourpre”.
1 January 2012
We wish a very happy and healthy 2012 to all the dog owners and to all the little dogs!
The Lions from D’Es have started the New Year very well.
We have a King and a Queen among us, and maybe soon also this year a litter or two…
As from today, it is official. Our male Meus Amicus Harko is “the King of the Ring” and our little female Irawadi Vom Löwengarten is “the Queen of the Ring”.
The fairytale might have a happy end…
This week we will know if there are little princes and little princesses on their way!
Sunday January 8th, International Dog Show Schaal der Kempen.
The three “J” Jarko (Jeammy) Jetaime and Jadore joined us to Hoogstraten.
Inspector Van Raamsdonk examined the 29 participating Leonbergers.
The inspector gave Jarko (Jeammy) Lions from D’Es a Very Good en the third place in male youth class.
Jetaime Lions from D’Es obtained a Very Good and the second place in youth class female.
Jadore du Plateau Bavarois obtained an Excellent and got the third place in intermediate class male.
Well done to our debutants. We are very happy with the obtained results.