le 11 janvier le beau mâle Tigo et la très belle Shiva ont eu une romance
on croise les droits pour bientôt des superbe chiots



12 oct

Saru and Harko are happy with the birth of there 3 Leonberger female puppies !

Finally we received good news from Germany. Saru Von Goldenen Vlies gave birth to three healthy puppies on Friday 7 October.

Harko is now the proud dad from three Leonberger daughters.

Congratulations to mother Saru ! Cuddly for the pupies from dad Harko.

Waiting for the pictures from the nice mum Saru wiht her babies.

Hereby already a few pictures from the proud Harko.

12 oct

Happy with big belly, and two weeks more ...

Happy pregnant from Voulé du Clos des Grès !

Happy Von Titushof with a big belly, in good condition.

Owner Luc made a nice box for mother and the future pups. Martine prepared the color ribbons.

From now on it's the countdown !


28 sep

Leonberg 2010 clubshow German Leonbergerclub.

Neither rain nor mud could stop the 350 registered Leonberger Dogs (and their owners) to participate in the legendary German club match in the German town of Leonberg.

Lots of atmosphere, lots Leonbergers from large to small. From dark to light blond.

But all tender and sweet. Impressive such a troup together! Certainly not easy for the judges.

29 Intermediate class female were judged by the president Willi Güllix , himself.

Our sweety (Irawadi Vom Löwengarten) got a very well !

And she could participate in the breeding class. Where Van Löwengarten got the first price.

43 Open class males were judged by Mr. J. Janda.

Our dog Harko got an excellent !

Fenno, Harko’s dad got the fourth place in the champion class with an excellent.

Our dog J’Adore, was very happy to play there with her half-brother. They have been photographed and filmed by many Leonberger fans.


14 sep

Luxembourg 2010

Sunday 5th of September, we left early in the morning direction of Luxembourg.

Meus Amicus Harko, Irawadi Vom Löwengarten and J'Adore du Plateau Bavarois have participated on the

81e Exposition Internationale de chiens de toutes races. Judge Paul Jenten( Lux) approved the Leonbergers.

With the following result:

Meus Amicus Harko : third place EXCELLENT in the open class

Irawadi Vom Löwengarten : second place EXCELLENT in the middle class

J'Adore du Plateau Bavarois : BEST BABY - VERY PROMISING

J'Adore was allowed to enter the ring of honour and was placed there with the 6 best babydogs

Congratulation !


14 sep

11.09.2010 INTERNAT. DAY FROM THE LEONBERGER clubshow Belgium

154 Leonbergers of all sizes were judged by W. Mayer (D)

M.R. Van Nimwegen (NL) M. Vermeiren (B)

With the following results for our dogs

J’Adore du Plateau Bavarois : Very promising (baby female)

Gina Golden Honey Amore Cordi : Suffisant (Junior class female)

Irawadi Vom Löwengarten : Very good (middle class female)

Meus Amicus Harko : Excellent Second place (Open class male)

Harko was honored for his show performance in 2009 and got his tin plate


J’Adore got Matroushkas from the russion judges as memory of their presence at the show

for her performance asyoungest participant.


06 sep

To visit Hazel and Illa second edition

Second edition, to visit Hazel and Illa.

After the great afternoon in May, it was nice to visit again Hazel and Illa with their owners Paul and Sacha.

On August 15 there was a second edition. Nothing to do with the bad weather ... but only great fun to make ...


06 sep

22 August Sint-Rombouts Trophy.

Judge Nodalli Bruno (I) judged our three stars : Meus Amicus Harko, Irawadi Vom Löwengarten

and Gina Golden Honey Amore Cordi during the Sint-Rombouts Trophy.

Meus Amicus Harko got the second place in Open class with an Excellent.

Irawadi Vom Löwengarten got the second place in the Middle class with an Excellent.

Gina Golden Honey Amore Cordi got the first place in the Youth class female dogs and could enter the ring of honor.

Our dogs did well!


17 aoû


Harko, Irawadi and Gina participated to the Big price from the Limburg in Genk. And we are very happy with the report and the the place the judge D' Hooghe gave to our dogs.

Meus Amicus Harko, ( two years old ) young male and almost adult, has participated for the first time in the open class between all those big "Adonisses".

He got the fourth place (on seven) with an excellent.

Irawadi Vom Lowengarten, in the middle class, was running chest and head up despite the heat!

He got the first place with an excellent and became R CAC.

Gina Golden Honey Amore Cordi, got the first place with a very well in the youth category and became best young female Leonberger and entered the ring of honor !


17 aoû

Sunday 18 July :Winner from Lokeren.

Important day for Meus Amicus.

Meus Amicus Harko got the first place in open class with appreciation excellent and became RCAC.

Meus Amicus Fenno, Harko his father got the first place in the champion class CAC and BOB and became Belgian Champion.

It was nice to see the results they got, for father Fenno first place and sun Harko second place (like father, like sun).

Irawadi Vom Löwengarten, our dearling , got the first place in the middle class female with appreciation excellent.

Harko and Irawadi have for sure deserved their double icecream portion !


17 aoû

Saterday 24th of July Golden Dog Trophy Liege.

Irawadi Vöm Lowengarten got the third place with appreciation excellent (in the female category).

The judge D.L. Klein (RO) gave his preference to a darker type. But we're still happy with the results of our dearling.

Harko Meus Amicus got the first place with appreciation excellent.

For the third time in open class and three times excellent appreciation and two times the first place. We are very proud of him.

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Hydro Lions From D'Es, hydrotherapie


Zwemmen met je hond is gewoon leuk maar het is ook heel gezond. Mensen komen naar ons hydrotherapiecenter met honden die last hebben van heupdysplasie, elleboogdysplasie, gescheurde ligamenten, artrose, rugproblemen, spierblessures of overgewicht. Met hydrotherapie kan je je hond op verschillende manieren helpen. De fysieke inspanning op zich is goed voor de gezondheid van je hond, zorgt voor een betere ontwikkeling van de spiermassa en is goed voor de behandeling van pijn bij bv. artrose.

Ook gezonde, opgroeiende honden hebben baat bij hydrotherapie. Het bevordert een evenwichtige opbouw van spieren en gewrichten. Bij oudere honden onderhoudt hydrotherapie de spiermassa zonder zware inspanning en overbelasting. Honden zwemmen van nature... maar niet allemaal! 

Bij sommige rassen is "leren zwemmen" nodig. Hydrotherapie is trouwens veel meer dan zwemmen alleen. Het zorgt voor een perfect hondenleven: niet alleen fysiek maar ook mentaal. Het is ideaal voor een goede socialisatie en trouwens perfect tegen stress bij je hond.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Wij beschikken over een hydrotherapiebak met een vlakke loopband en een hydrotherapiebak met een loopband met een hellingsgraad van 8 tot 30 graden.

De hydrotherapie op zich bestaat uit doelgerichte oefeningen die op een zachte manier in water worden uitgevoerd om op die manier terug spiermassa op te bouwen. Door de beweging in water wordt de aanmaak van gewrichtsvocht gestimuleerd zodat er als het ware een olie-achtige film rond de gewrichten wordt gelegd. De bloedsomloop van je hond wordt ook gestimuleerd door de intensiteit van de oefeningen en de warmte van het water.

Eén hydrotherapiesessie duurt een half uur.

De aanwezigheid van het baasje is heel belangrijk (zeker de eerste keren) om je hond gerust te stellen en hem te stimuleren om de oefeningen op de loopband in het water te doen.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Per beurt betaalt u slechts 30 euro.



Hydro Lions From D'es

Luc Vandeuren
Molenweg 25
3040 Huldenberg

GSM: +32 (0)495/20 88 87

Ond.nr. BE0746230205


Foto's hydrotherapie