Extra Newsflash! The puppies are born
Happy Von Titus Hof and Meus Amicus Harko have given birth to 11 healthy puppies!
Sunday, 22.04.2012 at
04.45 number one: little bitch 414 g red/blue ribbon
06.55 number two: little bitch 490 g yellow/blue ribbon
07.25 number three: little bitch 484 g white/purple ribbon
08.15 number four: little bitch 410 g blue/green ribbon
10.00 number five: little bitch 480 g green ribbon
11.15 number six: little bitch 444 g white/green ribbon
12.00 number seven: little dog 470 g blue ribbon
14.10 number eight: little dog 426 g yellow ribbon
16.15 number nine: little dog 500 g red ribbon
18.00 number ten: little dog 486 g white ribbon
21.15 number eleven: little dog 518 g orange ribbon
Happy has done this very well. She is a perfect dog mummy and she takes very good care of her little children.
Papa Harko is proud and vigilant!
Our veterinarian has examined the puppies very carefully and he has declared them healthy and in good shape. Well done little Leonbergers! And mummy Happy is doing fine.
More news and photoshoot will follow...