Sunday 13 january Show Genk and great news from Paris and Milano
Today is again show-time for Konnors, Laelia and our Jetaime.
It is judge T. Leenen for the leonberges and he give following result :
Konnors de la Roseraie Pourpre (son of Harko and Esmeralda ) in youthclasse 1 excellent, best junior leonberger.
Kory de la Roseraie Pourpre (son of Harko and Esmeralda) in youthclasse 2 excellent.
Laelia Lions from D' Es (daughter of Harko and Happy) in puppyclasse 1 very promissing, best puppy leonberger.
Jetaime Lions from D' Es (daughter of Happy en Voulé) in openclasse, 1 excellent RCAC
Thanks M. Leenen for this judgment.
Our photographe is again there also so pictures in ring.
And special news : Lord Lions from D' Es (son of Harko and Happy), saturday his first show (our yellow ribbon) in Paris, yes Paris Dog Show and he receive very promissing ! Thanks family Poncelet and judge Miss Rivière.
And other good news : Avalon Löwe Vom Spittergrund, son of Harko and Vicky, brother of our Angel, sunday show at “ Mostra Internazionale Speciale Milano”, yes Milano, he receive 1 excellent. Thanks owner Angelo Deio De Iorio.