Saturday the 6th of January 2018
Our best wishes for 2018 and here we are with some news about us the Q 5 tjes Blue and White.
It’s been a long time that you have heard some news about us, but…there is a good reason for it, which was well agreeded in advance !
When our mom recovered good and well and when we became two great brothers, then we were allowed to move to the house of our mom Nina and stay there with her owners Rita and Peter.
What an adventure, Rita and Peter and of course also our mom did everything to make it comfortable for us, we’ve certainly been cuddled a million times. We got the best of the best to eat.
We played hours and hours until we fell asleep together. Our mom was very strict and kept an eye on us to see that we got plenty of rest. For Rita and Peter it was a dream that became true. And we, we have enjoyed a luxury puppy life.
We also have celebrated Christmas and New Year together, with plenty of cake.
From now on, our time together becomes shorter, our mom says and she wipes a tear away,very soon we are going to move to our new futur home. But we already know that we will be more than welcome there as well. After a good education, we will do our very best so that our futur owners can be happy and proud of us !
NB Have a look to the long photographic film, which granny and granddad have made of us.
Many thanks to Rita and Peter, we”ll never forget you, and certainly not our mom !!