The moment has come… the P 3 puppies are leaving.
The moment has come… our green-white-red ribbon is leaving, she’s been given the name Priska.
Priska Lions from D’Es !
Priska will certainly be the great darling of the whole family, she’ll be pampered every day ! The owners have already done everything to make their dog happy and vice versa.
We wish Priska a happy and healthy doglife !
The moment has come… our black-yellow-red ribbon is leaving, he’ll be given the name Patho.
Patho Lions from D’Es !
Patho will have a life full of adventures… he’ll be able to play with goats and lambs in the great meadow. His owners will walk with him every day… yes, yes… Patho will get many carresses and after it, he will fall asleep near his owners…
We wish Patho a very happy and healthy doglife !
The moment has come… our blue-red-green ribbon is leaving, he’ll be given the name Petit Kumba.
Petit Kumba Lions from D’Es !
Kumba means “bear” in Japanese… he will become the lovely bear of two nice people, their grandmother and their dog, who is already waiting with impatience to play with his new friend.
We wish Petit Kumba a very happy and healthy doglife !