The moment has come… puppies of Jetaime and Konnor are leaving
The moment has come…our light-blue ribbon is leaving, she’s been given the name Otje.
Otje Lions from D’Es.
Otje will become the best friend of Lasco Lions from D’Es, together they’ll have an exciting life with great adventures.
With a bodyguard like Lasco, Otje will be able to allow herself a lot of things.
We wish Otje a happy and healthy doglife.!
The moment has come… our red ribbon is leaving, he’s been given the name Orpheus.
Orpheus Lions from D’Es.!
His owner is very proud of him, Orpheus already grew up very well… but he is also so lovely.
The owner follows a course dog massage and Orpheus should enjoy it to the fullest, he should be modeldog.
We wish Orpheus a happy and healthy doglife.!
The moment has come… our green ribbon is leaving, he’s been given the name Obi.
Obi Lions from D’Es.!
Obi will become the best friend of very nice owners, he will grow up with many other dogs of their friends and their family. Exciting!
We wish Obi a happy and healthy doglife.!
The moment has come… our white ribbon is leaving, she’s been given the name Oena.
Oena Lions from D’Es.!
Oena is going to live with a very nice family, she’ll be the best friend of two lovely girls and a Golden Retriever, who is already a part of the family
That’s what they call being happy!
We wish Oena a happy and healthy doglife.!
The moment has come… our brown ribbon is leaving, he’s been given the name Opium.
Opium Lions from D’Es.!
Opium stole the hearts of his owners in a blink of an eye, and he may be lucky, the dog of their neighbours has the name Natom Lions from D’Es. They’ll definitely have fun.!
We wish Opium a happy and healthy doglife.!
The moment has come… our pink ribbon is leaving, she’s been given the name Ogio.
Ogio Lions from D’Es.!
Ogio will be part of a very nice family with two lovely boys and will grow up with two Wippets… They will have a lot of fun together, playing and running around…super!
We wish Ogio a happy and healthy doglife.!
The moment has come…our yellow ribbon is leaving,she’s been given the name Ozzy.
Ozzy Lions from D’Es.!
The lovely owners and the two lovely girls have counted down the days and they have done everything to make their dog happy and vice versa.
We wish Ozzy a happy and healthy doglife.!