The puppies of Red Flame and Tian Bao are born on the 18th of September !!
4 females and 2 males
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The puppies of Lovely and Senne are born on the 24th of September !!
2 females and 6 males
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Monthly archive

23 Mar

Litter V 4 Persilla & Tigo day 7

Hello everyone,

We are so happy with our mom, because she gives us the best care.

We have already added in weight very well, and are enjoying our mom’s superb milk, which makes us big and strong.

And when our bellies are full, we all fall into a deep sleep, all close together and very close to our mom’s soft coat.

That’s what on our agenda for now…having fun and enjoying puppy life !!

Female Brown-Yellow : birth weight : 716 gr. --> day 7 : 1 235 gr.

Male Brown-Blue : birth weight : 640 gr. --> day 7 : 1 085 gr.

Female Brown-Rose : birth weight : 730 gr. --> day 7 : 1 135 gr.

Female Brown-White : birth weight : 616 gr. --> day 7 : 826 gr.

Male Brown-Black : birth weight : 544 gr. --> day 7 : 1 065 gr.

Male Brown-Green : birth weight : 718 gr. --> day 7 : 1 210 gr.

Female Brown-Light-Blue : birth weight : 614 gr. --> day 7 : 906 gr.

Male Brown-Grey : birth weight : 530 gr. --> day 7 : 914 gr.

Have a look how lovely we are !!

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27 Mar

Litter V 3 Royal Highness & Tian Bao day 14

Dear fanclub,

Here we are again with our weekly newsletter and our individual photo shoot.

And, we are doing very well all together, we are becoming greater, stronger, sportier…intelligent and lovely.

Male Black-Green : birth weight : 784 gr. --> day 14 : 1 701 gr.

Female Black-Lime : birth weight : 680 gr. --> day 14 : 1 830 gr.

Female Black-Light-Blue : birth weight : 678 gr. --> day 14 : 1 685 gr.

Male Black-Grey : birth weight : 728 gr. --> day 14 : 1 675 gr.

Female Black-White : birth weight : 570 gr. --> day 14 : 1 475 gr.

Female Black-Orange : birth weight : 716 gr. --> day 14 : 1 670 gr.

Male Black-Red : birth weight : 748 gr. --> day 14 : 1 685 gr.

Female Black-Pink : birth weight : 746 gr. --> day 14 : 1 790 gr.

We are so lovely isn’t it !!

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24 Mar

Litter V 2 red Flame & Tian Bao first porridge

Dear fanclub,

Today there is an extra newsflash !!

We have eaten porridge for the first time ! Because we have already grown so well, we need more than just milk.

So we started eating biscuits. For now it’s still a mixed version. But it is still an adjustement…how do we start with that ???

First we put our paws in the porridge, then we lick our paws, no, it doesn’t work like that. Who can help us with table manners ? Fortunately our dear friends “ the trainees” are with us to help us.

Soon we discover that it is better to eat little by little with our tongue.

And…that’s so delicious !! After dinner , mom does the dishes and licks us clean before we take an afternoon nap.

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27 Mar

Litter V 2 Red Flame & Tian Bao the move to the veranda.

It is true that the puppy room has become too small for us. Therefore, it is high time to plan the move to the veranda.

First and before we pack our suitcase, what should we take with us…a cuddly beer, a ball, sweets and our favorite blanket. We are ready now… With our mom in the front, we walk courageously towards our new place to sleep and our new playground. And what a surprise for all of us…all our aunts are waiting there for us with wagging tails. Especially many thanks to our lovely interns who like to help us with our education.

How it is big here, and we have a nice view of the large covered puppy playground. But that’s for tomorrow. Now we are going to rest, we fall asleep close to each other and very close to our mom.

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30 Mar

Litter V 4 Persilla & Tigo day 15

Hello everybody,

Here we are with some more news.

We are in the meanwhile 15 days old and we are doing very well.

We are getting bigger and stronger day after day. So we are doing our very best to drink very well at the milkbar of our mom. It’s delicious, mom-milk is simply “the best food” !!

We fully enjoy being close together and toggling up and down to the rhythm of our mommy’s breathing.

Female Brown-Yellow : birth weight : 716 gr. --> day 15 : 1 965 gr.

Male Brown-Blue : birth weight : 640 gr. --> day 15 : 1 290 gr.

Female Brown-Rose : birth weight : 730 gr. --> day 15 : 1 520 gr.

Female Brown-White : birth weight : 616 gr. --> day 15 : 846 gr.

Male Brown-Black : birth weight : 544 gr. --> day 15 : 1 725 gr.

Male Brown-Green : birth weight : 718 gr. --> day 15 : 1 465 gr.

Female Brown-Light-Blue : birth weight : 614 gr. --> day 15 : 988 gr.

Male Brown-Grey : birth weight : 530 gr. --> day 15 : 1 285 gr.

Nice photo shoot !!

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01 Apr

Litter V 2 Red Flame & Tian Bao day 29

Hey, hey,

Everything is fine with us, although we were completely upset by the passing of the puppy Black-Grey of Litter V 3.

We are doing our very best to cheer them up, playing together works great here in the veranda.

Female Yellow : birth weight : 494 gr. --> day 29 : 2 880 gr.

Male Green : birth weight : 545 gr. --> day 29 : 2 890 gr.

Male Grey : birth weight : 510 gr. --> day 29 : 3 370 gr.

Female White : birth weight : 526 gr. --> day 29 : 2 590 gr.

Female Light-Blue : birth weight : 572 gr. --> day 29 : 3 325 gr.

Female Rose : birth weight : 486 gr. --> day 29 : 3 330 gr.

Female Violet : birth weight : 610 gr. --> day 29 : 3 430 gr.

Male Black : birth weight : 408 gr. --> day 29 : 3 155 gr.

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01 Apr

Litter V 3 Royal Highness & Tian Bao day 21


This morning we were in shock. Our little brother “male Black-Grey” is no more…

He left this night to the starry sky of dogs, so suddenly, without saying goodbye…

Our mom and ourselves have so much sadness, tears flow down our snouts…why, we do not understand it…you were so pretty…

Take care of yourself, we will miss you little brother…watch over us !

Male Black-Green : birth weight : 784 gr. --> day 21 : 2 385 gr.

Female Black-Lime : birth weight : 680 gr. --> day 21 : 2 665 gr.

Female Black-Light-Blue : birth weight : 678 gr. --> day 21 : 2 530 gr.

Female Black-White : birth weight : 570 gr. --> day 21 : 2 175 gr.

Female Black-Orange : birth weight : 716 gr. --> day 21 : 2 720 gr.

Male Black-Red : birth weight : 748 gr. --> day 21 : 2 455 gr.

Female Black-Pink : birth weight : 746 gr. --> day 21 : 2 640 gr.

Male Black-Grey : birth weight : 728 gr. --> day 21 : 2 495 gr. For always a Lions from D’Es star

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01 Apr

Litter V 3 Royal Highness & Tian Bao the move to the veranda.

We, the puppies of Litter V 3, are having a hard time processing the grief at the passing of our little brother Black-Grey.

That’s why our mom decided to move to the veranda today, so we can change our mind a bit.

No sooner said than done, with a little heart and a lot of courage, we do our best to make sure everything goes well.

Our aunts too, they are doing their best to comfort our mom, our brave mom is doing her best, everything will be fine…discovering all the new things makes us happy anyway !!

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Hydro Lions From D'Es, hydrotherapie


Zwemmen met je hond is gewoon leuk maar het is ook heel gezond. Mensen komen naar ons hydrotherapiecenter met honden die last hebben van heupdysplasie, elleboogdysplasie, gescheurde ligamenten, artrose, rugproblemen, spierblessures of overgewicht. Met hydrotherapie kan je je hond op verschillende manieren helpen. De fysieke inspanning op zich is goed voor de gezondheid van je hond, zorgt voor een betere ontwikkeling van de spiermassa en is goed voor de behandeling van pijn bij bv. artrose.

Ook gezonde, opgroeiende honden hebben baat bij hydrotherapie. Het bevordert een evenwichtige opbouw van spieren en gewrichten. Bij oudere honden onderhoudt hydrotherapie de spiermassa zonder zware inspanning en overbelasting. Honden zwemmen van nature... maar niet allemaal! 

Bij sommige rassen is "leren zwemmen" nodig. Hydrotherapie is trouwens veel meer dan zwemmen alleen. Het zorgt voor een perfect hondenleven: niet alleen fysiek maar ook mentaal. Het is ideaal voor een goede socialisatie en trouwens perfect tegen stress bij je hond.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Wij beschikken over een hydrotherapiebak met een vlakke loopband en een hydrotherapiebak met een loopband met een hellingsgraad van 8 tot 30 graden.

De hydrotherapie op zich bestaat uit doelgerichte oefeningen die op een zachte manier in water worden uitgevoerd om op die manier terug spiermassa op te bouwen. Door de beweging in water wordt de aanmaak van gewrichtsvocht gestimuleerd zodat er als het ware een olie-achtige film rond de gewrichten wordt gelegd. De bloedsomloop van je hond wordt ook gestimuleerd door de intensiteit van de oefeningen en de warmte van het water.

Eén hydrotherapiesessie duurt een half uur.

De aanwezigheid van het baasje is heel belangrijk (zeker de eerste keren) om je hond gerust te stellen en hem te stimuleren om de oefeningen op de loopband in het water te doen.

Hydro Lions From d'Es - YouTube



Per beurt betaalt u slechts 30 euro.



Hydro Lions From D'es

Luc Vandeuren
Molenweg 25
3040 Huldenberg

GSM: +32 (0)495/20 88 87

Ond.nr. BE0746230205


Foto's hydrotherapie